Display & Programmatic Advertising

Ezoic launches Ad Revenue Index 2.0


Ezoic, one of the largest digital publishing technology businesses specializing in artificial intelligence, has released their long-awaited v2.0 of their Ad Revenue Index. The Ad Revenue Index displays a global composite of ad rates from across websites earning revenue from programmatic display ads. The index has been a widely recognized and reliable resource for nearly a decade for both website owners that rely on ad revenue for income and industry stakeholders interested in the current health status of digital display advertising.

Ezoic released the Ad Revenue Index v2.0 as a part of Customer Week; which began on October 23. The new index boasts a new series of reports that headline the Index additions, called the Niche Trends Index. These new reports allow visitors to the website — available for free to view at adrevenueindex.ezoic.com — the ability to now drill down further into ad rate changes on a weekly basis by looking at specific topics, niches, and categories to see if fluctuations in the overall earnings from display ads are felt more dramatically in these specific areas on consumer interest.

Unlike traditional reports and analytics that websites and advertisers might use, Ezoic’s index offers data from tens of thousands of other websites displayed as a composite, allowing for a broadened perspective in overall digital display ad trends.

“It’s not uncommon for websites to wonder if their peers’ ad earnings are trending in a similar direction. Ezoic’s index brought light to data that was seemingly a secret before”, said Ezoic CMO, Tyler Bishop. Ezoic released this major update during their Customer Week where they’ve also announced new products, streamlined service offerings, and said they have added more resources to the public for free, like the index.

“We did this for free because we think empowering publishers with knowledge is good for our business, and the Niche Index adds a highly requested granularity to that”, Bishop shared. The new Niche Trends Index is a free tool that incorporates a vast dataset from thousands of sites that work with Ezoic. Their data scientists have strategically input criteria that need to be met in order to display on the final report.

The new and improved Ad Revenue Index v2.0 and Niche Trends Index are now available, on adrevenueindex.ezoic.com or can be found on Ezoic’s website as well.

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